February 21, 2013

I'm Back!

Heyo..m' Back But still catching up on CNY celebrations & Other family plannings..
-Resume services on 27feb,28feb n 3Mar onwards...
Anws still feel free to txt me for any enquiries hehe:)

New Features on my blog!
  • Translater
Translater incase anyone needs it :D
  • Recommand me on Google
Do Click to recommand me on Google! Thank you in advance yer :)
  • Follow me INSTAGRAM @lovebeautify
Instagram r for lazy people like me :X i seldom upload my photos into com from my phone, so Instagram help me in a much easiler way! Love it.. Those who dont have it Do Download Now! wahahah.. Promiss u will get addicted to it. So follow me @lovebeautify
  • New Page " How to Get here"
Created this new Page on "How to get here" it'll be much easiler to get here;)

i Hope that this helps u ladies! Happy Chinese new yr! Seeya soon.....

Remember to LIKE me on FACEBOOK PAGE :)

Add me on FACEBOOK too:)

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